District administration Bandipora imposes restrictions on road dharnas

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Bandipora, July 16: District administration Bandipora has imposed restrictions under section 144 Cr. P.C on “road dharnas”.

In an order, the district magestrate Bandipora Shahbaz Ahmad Mirza said that the district administration is always on its toes to redress the genuine grievances of the general public but some miscreants block roads on slight pretexts.

“It has been observed that some miscreants on slight pretexts, instead of approaching the concerned officers/this office for redressal of their problem, sit on Dharnas and block roads which results in great inconvenience to the daily commuters especially students, patients and old aged persons,” read the order.

It further read that the genuine grievance can be redressed by approaching the concerned officers in their offices or the Sub Divisional/ district administration and this illegal practice of blocking roads and disrupting normal life needs to be stopped for which reasonable restrictions are required to be imposed in the interest of general public and to safeguard the life and property.

“Now, therefore, I, District Magistrate, Bandipora, in exercise of powers vested in me under Section 144 Cr.P.C, hereby impose ban on blocking of roads by resorting to “Dharnas” on roads within the limits of District Bandipora for a period of two months,” it read.