DIET Banihal Organizes Capacity Building Programme On Foundational Literacy And Numeracy.


BANIHAL, 12th May , 2022: 5-Day Capacity Building Programme (CBP) on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy was organized by PSTE wing DIET Banihal.The CBP was conducted in three educational zones of Khari,Banihal and Ukhral which was attended by 130 primary level teachers.

The Capacity Building Programme ( CBP) was aimed to develop deep understanding of the basic concepts of FLN and to make them acquainted with the goals and targets of NIPUN BHARAT Mission.

The main focuss was to prepare primary level teachers and equip them with the pedagogical practices ,skills and modern techniques of teaching at foundational stage.

The concerned ZEOs were present in the inaugural session who impressed upon the participants to update themselves with modern approaches of teaching and cater to the needs and requirements of growing buds.

M A Katoch, DNO FLN, while interacting with the participants briefed them about the  objectives of CBP and highlighted the target of NIPUN Bharat Mission.

HSS Khari asked the participants to facilitate learners taking into consideration their psychological make up and level as well.

M A Katoch also highlighted the importance of wholistic development and explained the strategies which help to foster the growth and development of different domains.He said that teachers require to do series of small thing for a big change.

He asked the participants to acquaint themselves with the concepts of FLN and strive hard to attain the goal of Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.

The focuss was given to acquaint the participants with the trends, techniques ,pedagogical practices and skills of teaching at pre primary/ primary levels.

Principal DIET Banihal also had an interaction with the pre primary teachers attending the programme at HSS Ukhral and Khari.He said that learning must be pleasing and should take place in a congenial atmosphere.

He impressed upon the participants to work hard and share the responsibility with utmost dedication and great passion.

Principal DIET Banihal also appreciated the efforts of the teachers in the implementation of policies and programmes being taken by the department.

Principal DIET also appreciated KRPs,RPs for putting examplery efforts and working hard to make the CBP effective and meaningful.

The resource persons/ experts for the day focused to involve the participants to develop skills of facilitating learners through modern aporoaches so that the skills of reading,writing and number operation can be developed among the learners.

Activities based sessions were organized to develop teaching proficiency and insight as to how the kids learn the basics skills by applying appropriate teaching techniques at foundational stages.

The Resource persons shared valuable experience with the help of PPTs and involved the participants in different learning activities.

Perveiz Ahmed Naik coordinator of CBP at HSS Ukhral appreciated RP’s KRP’s , for enhancing the knowledge and understanding of the participants.

He said that participants have shown keen interest and enthusiasm through out the programme and their professional approach was really upto the mark.

He further said that the feedback of the participants was very positive and the learning outcomes are encouraging.

G.M Bohroo who coordinated CBP at HSS Banihal said that teachers will definitely transform whatever they have learnt and such CBP will defintely promote the teaching proficiency of the participants.

Mr. A R Giri, Principal HSS Boys Banihal while interacting with the participants focussed on developing sense of responsibility.

Mr. Abdul Rehman Madni, Principal HSS Khari also impressed upon the participants to take the challanges as a mission to raise the quality of education and play important role in the changing scenario.

At the concluding session,M A Katoch appreciated all the RPs and participants for showing great concern and taking active part in different practical based activities. He said that it was expected that a visible change will be witnessed in the coming days and teachers are fully equipped to realize the goals of FLN.

He thanked Principal HSS Khari ,Ukhral and Banihal for extending every possible support and making the programme effective.