Altaf Bukhari reviews regularization process of Casual Workers

Asks Administrative Secretaries to submit cases after thorough verification, scrutiny

SRINAGAR, MAY 10: Minister for Finance and Labour & Employment, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari today reviewed the scrutiny process of casual workers for their regularization under the already notified SRO 520.

The meeting was attended by Chief Secretary BB Vyas, Financial Commissioner Housing and Urban Development Department, K B Agarwal, Principal Secretary Finance Navin Kumar Choudhary and administrative secretaries of all the departments.

Minister directed administrative secretaries to expedite the scrutiny process of the casual workers and submit the same before the Finance Department at earliest.

He said the regularization orders shall be issued only after the thorough scrutiny and that there is no question of allowing any discrepancy in the process. He directed the secretaries to start submitting the cases within 10 days and shall be completed in 45 days so that the regularization process will be completed as soon as possible.

Minister said the government is examining each and every case intensely and only after the completion of all formalities, the selection list will be made public. He asked the Secretaries to verify all the cases individually to avoid any discrepancy. He said there is a proper procedure being put in place under SRO 520 and the person will be regularized only after meeting the requisite criteria.

The Finance Minister said that the government will not allow any discrepancy in the list and that only after a thorough scrutiny, the orders will be issued.