Private Schools Association in Collaboration with Micro Soft tech


PSAK collaborates with Tech Avant-Garde, Microsoft and feeling IT hold a press conference here in Srinagar & enabled schools to counter frequent closure of schools due to inclement situation Srinagar; Private Schools Association of Kasa for the first time coilabersted with Tech institutes of Kashmir au a major reform to counter the bequent closure of educational institutes and Avant-Garde, Microsoft and Efeeonline companies to bring IT l solutions into the educational lass of working days.

The Association felt that during the lait few yean, the situation in Kashmir has really tuned tod for education sector with weeks and even months of forged closure of educational institutes happening per year. There is no elfont by government or any other side to help schools lo despite everybody agreeing that education is a vital part of the society In this regard the Association had been discussing various solutions and exploring the world market to get the best for Kashmiri students.

Private Schools’ Association-Kashmir has partnered with Tech Avant-Garde, Microsoft and EfecOnline and has adopted the MASP PRO Program to empower teachers and students MASP Po Site which combines the benefits of Microsoft’s technology, e-payment solutions from Efcc Online and Connected Learning Community Solution from Lycee Cyber Academe is a value-based offering to equip schools with an integrated set of technology and innovative learning solutions, modernize their campuses, drive transformation for enhanced learning experiences and prepare future-ready students

“Restrictions, curfews, violent situations have become part of our day to day life now. In this situation education sector is worst affected We are unable to provide quality education to students au our schools get closed even at a small pretext At times we cannot even operate buses due to fear of violence,” said G N Var president PSAK During dre last decade or so we had made tremendous progress in giving quality education to students but all that is threatening to get derailed due to the prevailing circumstances It is in this regard that we are trying to use IT enabled services to counter frequent closure of schools

The Association said that the services would not only counter closure of schools but also provide global quality education to students. “We are living in a conflict zone that we cannot helps. But what we are trying to do is to isolate education sector in a way that it remains largely unaffected,” said Var. So IT enabled services offer the best solution. But here too we need government help as some services work on dependable internet connections Government has the ability to regulate internet services at even tehsil level and certain sites. So our only request to government is to allow educational websites functions smoothly even in the times of internet blockade. We will provide the list of websites to government too which need to be free from blockades. Or if they are willing to offer any other alternative we are ready to listen ”

Mr Ali Sait, CEO. Tech Avant-Garde said “As a part of the MASP PRO programme Tech Avant- Garde has taken the initiative of making their client schools excel in their schooling practices. Th company has organized to get the Schools audited by M’S Ararat for total quality assessment of Governance, teachers and teaching practices Safety, Go Green, and integration of IT in education. Afler the audit is completed the school will be advised on how to become 21st Century compliant Efconline will empower the parent to pay the school fee from anywhere anyplace, anytime and on any device using multimode payment services, schools will be able to integrate the fee collection seamlessly with different payment platform on Efee Online, and Lycee connected Learning Community Solution will knock down the barriers between the home and educational institution