Maiden cricket tournament for visually impaired held at Bhaderwah



BHADARWAH, JULY 13: District Development Commissioner Doda Dr. D Sagar Doifode inaugurated a three day cricket tournament for the visually impaired players today, here at University Campus Bhadarwah.

This is the first tournament of its kind being held in District Doda in which visually impaired players from the state including are taking participation. The tournament is aimed at to encourage such players to participate in the sports events and boost their morals so that they can also make a career in sports.

The tournament is being organised by Cricket Blind Association J&K in collaboration with Chairman District Red Cross Society Doda.

DC Doda, Dr Sagar D Doifode speaking on the occasion said that the district administration is always supporting this kind cause for the benefit of the visually impaired persons.

On the inaugural day two matches were played between Yellow team and the Blue team in which later emerged winner. Rest of the matches shall be played on Sunday at sports ground of Degree College Bhadarwah.