Soz urges Governor Malik to initiate dialogue with JRL to resolve Kashmir issue

Governor Satya Pal Malik. File photo

Former union minister Saifuddin Soz on Sunday urged Governor Satya Pal Malik to initiate a dialogue with the Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL) in Kashmir and said the solution of Kashmir dispute is dialogue only.

“I would earnestly suggest the Governor to initiate a dialogue with the separatists which is being specifically represented by the JRL. Governor Malik could serve a great purpose for the country if he ensures the suggested dialogue, at the earliest,” Soz, a senior Congress leader, said.


In a statement issued here, Soz said he would like to emphasize that the general run of Kashmiris understands how to find a way out of the current situation of unrest.

“Governor Satya Pal Malik continuously advises Kashmiris on various matters of public importance. The understandable proposition is that there exists a dispute and the solution to that can be found through a purposeful dialogue. Any other solution is a ‘one-sided phenomenon’ and not workable in Kashmir,” Soz said.

Soz said governor Malik in his first statement on arrival in Kashmir had himself offered to open a dialogue with the people of Kashmir.