Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum demands charge allowance and expediting the process of regularisation of Lecturers/ ACP


Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum demands charge allowance and expediting of regularisation of Lecturers/ ACP 

Jammu : Feb 13, 2022 , A  meeting of “All J&K Plus Two Lecturers’ Forum  was held under the chairmanship of its President, Deepak Sharma in blended mode wherein the Forum demanded charge allowance and expediting of Regularisation of all Incharge Lecturers, ACP (Time Bound Promotion) and also  raised other  issues concerning Plus Two Cadre threadbare.
Deepak Sharma said that Forum is fortunate that many issues of cadre have been resolved one by one by the Government under dynamic stewardship of Principal Secretary SED,  BK Singh but a large no of incharge Lecturers are still awaiting their regularisation since 2013 and to their dismay, many are being made to work in incharge capacity without charge allowance. He demanded expediting of regularisation of all incharge incumbent/retiree Lecturers including left out Lecturers and other officers including Principals and higher officers pending for want of various reasons in a single go as there is no legal hurdle now and provision of charge allowance at all levels including incharge lecturers.
Sharma also demanded extension of last date for application in Annual Transfer Drive (ATD) as many Lecturers are facing technical issues in submitting applications and demanded resolution of the same before closure of link for hassle-free ATD. 
Forum further demanded that adequate staff must be provided in Schools at all levels before any decision is taken on reopening of Schools as large number of Higher Secondary schools are still lying headless and a large number of  posts of subject Lecturers are vacant and demanded release of yet another promotion list of Principals and CEOs at the earliest and provision of Lecturers through PSC/DPC or academic arrangement to provide immediate relief in the interest of students and streamlining the system.
Syed Fayaz, President  Kashmir Province demanded  that  Assured Career progression (ACP)/ Time Bound Promotion issue must also be expedited to remove age long stagnation from the cadre.
Speakers present hoped that other demands including Removal of pay anomalies of principals and senior officers and Non vacational  status to Principals/ Head of Schools, provision of charge allowance in all promotions/placements, restoration of 40% college quota, provision of Earned leave to teaching community and  Regularisation of Physical Education lecturers and removal of their pay anomaly will also be acceded to on priority basis.
Proceedings of the meeting were conducted by Vice president Anil Sharma and technical coordination was provided by District president Jammu Vijay Verma.
Those who deliberated in the meeting included former president N S Jamwal, General Secretary Kashmir, Mir Fayaz, chief organisers  Sanjay Bhagat and HS Pali Distt presidents Imtiaz Qazmi, Ashok Sharma, Fazal Hussain, AR Giri, Jatinder Sethi, Anis Ahmad , Lok Sewak and core members Manoj Anand, Anwar Khan, Kewal Krishan, Ajay Sehgal and others