Fit India Awareness-cum-Action Camp Held At Kishtwar


Fit India Awareness-cum-Action Camp Held At Kishtwar

Kishtwar: An impressive Awareness-cum-Action Camp was organized at Drabshalla on the directions of Chief Education Officer Kishtwar, Sh. Sudershan Sharma.

The Camp was interactive as well as practical in nature where a large number of School Nodal Officers Fit India Movement and students were addressed by District Nodal Officer, Fit India Movement, Mr Pardeep Koul, Lecturer.

All aspects of Fit India were taken up in detail and the teachers raised many queries pertaining to fitness and daily activities to be conducted in schools which were satisfactorily answered by the DNO.He was ably provided technical support by Mr Deepak Sharma.

The Camp was held in two sessions presided over by Zonal Education Officer Drabshalla, Mr. Suresh Kumar who also spoke on the occasion at length and thanked the visiting DNO.ZNO Fit India Movement Drabshlla, Mr Firdous Ahmed provided all logistic support to the visiting team.

Mr Koul touched all the aspects and importance of Fit India Movement in the present scenario.He also discussed physical, mental and psychological fitness of the teachers and the taughts at length.The dietary habits and yoga Asnas were taken in action and awareness modes.

Concluding the Camp, DNO thanked all the teachers and the students on behalf of worthy Principal Secretary School Education, Sh BK Singh, Director School Education Jammu, Sh.Ravi Shanker Sharma and Chief Education Officer Kishtwar, Sh.Sudershan Sharma, UT Nodal Officer, Madam Sunita Fotedar and Divisional Nodal Officer Jammu, Mr Govind Sharma for their wholehearted interest in the larger interests of the students, teachers and the society as a whole.