Over 16000 Participate In DSEJ’s Yoga Day Celebrations


Jammu: As part of a series of events to celebrate the 7th International Yoga Day, Directorate of School Education Jammu in collaboration with Bhartiya Yog Sansthan, orgnised a live Yoga session, that was joined in by more than 16000 students, teachers &  their families through various social media platforms.
The event was organised under Fit India flagship programme exhibiting this year’s theme being  ‘ Yoga @ home with family’.

Dr. Ravi Shankar Sharma, Director School Education Jammu, was the chief guest on the occasion. Highlighting the increased importance of Yoga in today’s competitive world, he thanked the Bhartiya Yoga Sansthan for its contributions towards conducting the event and training many students and teachers in the past as well. He assured everyone that such programmes will be organised by the Directorate in future also for the benefit of the students and everyone else.

It was further divulged that the Directorate of School Education Jammu is currently in the middle of events being organised in collaboration with AYUSH, starting 14 of June, till 23rd of June, which includes essay writing competition, slogan/tag line competition, Asana Pranayama Competition, Quiz competition, E- poster competition and jingle competition. And amongst other activities, a ten day yog shiver – training programme for teachers, students and other stakeholders is also being conducted in collaboration with Bhartiya Yoga Sansthan J&K, for which 8965 participants have registered themselves.

The formal welcome address on the occasion was presented by Shri Govind Sharma, Nodal Officer,  Directorate of School Education Jammu and the vote of thanks was presented by Ms.Supriya Sharma, Member Cultural Cell, DSEJ, while Ms. Alka Sharma, Member Counselling Cell DSEJ anchored the event.

Amongst those who joined in for the event were, Sh Satya pal Sharma
President  Bhartiya Yog Sansthan J&K, Sh Jia Lal Sharma,Secretary   Bhartiya Yog Sansthan J&K, all the Joint Directors of  School Education Jammu Division, Sh Sanjay K. Bhat, Personnel Officer,  DSEJ, Chief Education officers of Jammu Division, HOI’s of Jammu Division, all  the committee members of Bhartiya Yog Sansthan J&K and Yog experts & Demonstrators from Bhartiya Yog Sansthan.