SRINAGAR, MAY 14: Sh M.Y. Tarigami, MLA Kulgam, met Governor N.N. Vohra at the Raj Bhavan today.

Among other matters Shri Tarigami informed Governor about the discussions held at the All Party Meeting convened by the State Government last week and pointed to the subsisting challenges in the path of regaining normalcy in the Valley.

Governor re-iterated his view, repeatedly expressed over the past several years, about the crucial importance of leaders of all political, religious, social, economic and other organisations in the State, including even those who have vastly different views, getting together to evolve an agreed approach which is founded in satisfying the basic minimum aspirations of the various segments of society. Observing that continuing unrest has involved not only heavy human and economic losses but also jeopardised the career prospects of several lakh youth whose academic schedules continue to be adversely affected, Governor urged Shri Tarigami to continue his sustained endeavours for promoting the welfare of the State and its people.