SRINAGAR, MAY 15: Stating that there would be zero tolerance on corruption, Minister for Revenue, Ghulam Nabi Lone Hanjura today said that any Patwari or any other revenue official found involved in corrupt practices would be strictly punished in accordance with laws.

The Minister said this during an introductory meeting with the senior officers of the revenue department.

The meeting was attended by Financial Commissioner Revenue, Commissioner Secretary Revenue, Special Secretary Revenue, Additional Secretary Revenue, FA/CAO Revenue, Additional Secretary PLO Revenue, all deputy Secretaries of Revenue Department and other officials of the department.

The Revenue Minister directed that the list of present posting of all Patwaris and other officials along with their date of joining would be compiled so that a transparent transfer policy can be farmed accordingly.

He directed the Officials of Revenue Department to widen their role and perform duties with an objective to provide justice to the people. He said that the actions of officials must lead in making a positive contribution to the society.

The officers gave a brief overview of the functioning of Revenue Department and apprised the Minister about the performance of Revenue department in providing revenue related services to the people and efforts taken to improve its functioning.

The Minister stressed on timely delivery of service to the people. “Do not let the people move from one office to other for redressal of their issues or getting revenue related services,” he said adding that they should be provided service in time bound manner.

With regard to the status of disposal of revenue cases, the Minister said that all such cases need focused attention so that they are disposed off in a timely manner and speedy justice is delivered to people.

About the progress of digitization of land records under Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), the Minister sought the details of the projects form Regional Director, Survey & Land Records. He directed the officials to speed up the process to complete the project in time bound manner.