District administration starts distribution of dry mid day meal to the students at their doorsteps in Doda

DDC directs concerned to complete 100% distribution within one week


District administration starts distribution of dry mid day meal to the students at their doorsteps in Doda

DDC directs concerned to complete 100% distribution within one week

DODA, MARCH 25: As per the directions of District Development Commissioner Doda, Dr Sagar D Doifode, education department today kick started distribution of dry mid day meal (ration) to the students at their door step in the district.

Pertinent to mention that the  DDC Doda on Tuesday convened a meeting of  officers of school education department and strictly directed them to start the distribution of dry MDM to the students at their door step with immediate effect, besides also set the timeline of one week for 100% distribution.

The DDC also directed PO, ICDS to distribute the ration among the beneficiaries of anganwadi centres at their door steps across the district under the fixed timeline.